
Three patients suffering from severe adult scurvy, with the classical physical findings, have been treated with the use of Crystalline Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). They were kept on a Vitamin C poor diet during treatment. A rapid improvement was noted within 6 days in each instance and a complete restoration to normalcy obtained within 4 to 5 weeks. The criteria utilized in determining improvement were:(a) Improvement in general condition.(b) Disappearance of purpuric spots and cessation of the appearance of new purpuric spots.(c) Cessation of bleeding from nose, gums and intestines.(d) Marked decrease in capillary fragility to within normal limits.The capillary fragility test used was a standardized modification of the tourniquet test, performed as follows: A circle with a diameter of 2.5 cm. was drawn on the inner aspect of the forearm, 4 cm. below the elbow fold. The cuff of a Baumanometer was applied above the elbow, and the pressure maintained between the diastolic and the systolic pressure for 15 minu...

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