
In the article the results of conservative and operative treatment of 122 patients ranging in age from 42 to 80 years of age with acute delay of urine caused by benign prostate hyperplasia in the urology Department Alexander Hospital 2016 to 2018 years. n men, the most common cause of SSM is safe giperplazia (adenoma) prostate (BPH), found in the 45–53% of observations, tending to cause heart attacks in prostate tissue and in­creased Alpha-adrenergic activity. The main pathogenetic factor SSM in men is BPH, where heart attacks occur in the prostate tissue and increased Alpha-adrenergicheskaja activity. In 1 group comprised 42 patients diag­nosed for the first time, SSM, caused by BPH, in Group 2–80 patients with multiple SSM caused by BPH. All patients of Group 1 after combination therapy of Alpha alfuprost MICRORAION adrenoblokatorom in com­bination with jelefloksom noted restore self-sustaining urination. In Group 2 at 72 patients recovered partially and urinating they have plus sizes BPH, they performed Transurethral enucleation of BPH with positive effect.

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