
Acute mountain sickness (AMS) and high altitude pulmonary oedema (HAPO) are common causes of morbidity and mortality seen in unacclimatized persons shortly after ascent to high altitude. High altitude is defined as altitudes more than 3000 meters while extreme high altitude is altitudes more than 5800 m [1]. Altitude related illnesses that develop shortly after ascent to high altitudes can present with either cerebral or pulmonary syndromes. AMS and high-altitude cerebral oedema (HACO) refer to the cerebral abnormalities and HAPO to pulmonary abnormalities [2]. In 2001 hospital admission rate for AMS in Indian army was reported to be 0.13/1000 personnel while admission rate for HAPO was 0.15/1000 [3]. HAPO and HACO are significant because they are potentially fatal if not treated in time.

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