
Acne keloidalis nuchae is a chronic inflammatory condition affecting the occipital area or nape of the neck characterized by fibrotic papules, firm pustules, and nodules that coalesce into keloid like mass or plaques. It was first described by Kaposi in 1969. It is also known as lichen keloidalis nuchae, dermatitis papillaris capillitia, and folliculitis nuchae scleroticans. If not treated in the early stages of the disease it tends to be refractory to conventional methods like topical, intralesional steroids with antibiotics or retinoids. Surgical interventions remain the only choice in such cases. Various surgical modalities including surgical excision with primary or secondary closure, split-thickness skin grafts, and laser-assisted treatments have been tried. Most surgical methods have longer downtime with a higher chance of relapse. We studied the results of a combined treatment option carbon dioxide laser ablation followed by intralesional triamcinolone injection in the same sitting. This outpatient procedure has shown good results with no relapse and less downtime.

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