
ABSTRACT COURTS have, in recent years, wrestled with difficult issues relating to the valuation and distribution of an advanced educational degree and professional license as a marital asset in a divorce property settlement. No clear trend has emerged from the courts' treatment of this problem.The court in Wisner v Wisner, 631 P2d 115, 123 (Ariz App 1981), referred to "the rather common situation in which one spouse puts the other through professional school followed closely by a dissolution [of marriage] upon the completion of schooling... [as]... perhaps the clearest picture of the injustice which may evolve." Despite such a possibility, the majority of courts ruling on the question have held that educational attainments such as a medical degree or license are not property subject to division in the event of divorce. As one explained:An educational degree... is simply not encompassed even by the broad views of the concept of

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