
The treatment of food allergy involves completely removing the allergenic food from the diet, careful label reading, and ingredient awareness. Family education is crucial, understanding alternative names for the allergen. An emergency action plan provided by the doctor, with clear instructions for epinephrine application and when to seek medical attention, is essential. For mild to moderate symptoms, oral antihistamines may be prescribed. Psychological support is necessary due to emotional repercussions. Collaboration with an allergy specialist is crucial for personalized treatment. Natural tolerance to the food may be achieved, especially in non-IgE-mediated allergies. However, some allergic manifestations persist, requiring treatment alternatives. Avoidance of the allergen and epinephrine application are key measures. Immunotherapy aims to desensitize immune cells, but its effectiveness varies. Bioterapeutic agents, such as monoclonal antibodies, are under investigation, although their clinical use still requires more studies.

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