
Peptic ulcer remains a very common disease beside decrease in overall incidence rate. It includes gastric and duodenal ulcers. It comes under one of the leading causes of deaths, according to Center for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics and National Vital Statistics System. According to the latest WHO data published in April 201 Peptic Ulcer Disease Deaths in India reached 108,392 or 1.20% of total deaths. The age adjusted Death Rate is 12.37 per 100,000 of population, and which leads India to 5th rank in the world. Usually, recurrent ulcer tended to recur at its original site of occurrence, gastric ulcer is more likely to relapse than duodenal ulcer. Acidic environment of stomach helps keeping stomach free from bacteria (except for Helicobacter pylori). Somehow, when stomach becomes less acidic, it loses its protective mechanism, and ingested pathogens can survive and proliferate. Undoubtedly, acid-suppressive agents are of great value for the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, gastro esophageal re-flux disease, or for prophylaxis against non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-related gastrointestinal complications. But this therapy can be shortened up with the effective recovery from the ulcer condition by use of combined treatment, which will lead to control from the relapse of infections. Recurrence in peptic ulcer can also occurs when infection eradication or recovery of G.I layer or cytoprotective mechanism slows down and which results in recurrence in the partially recovered patients. So for this problem, acid control could be done with the help of PPIs (Allopathic) and using Aloe Vera (Ayurvedic) for its cytoprotective mechanism and acceleration in the cicatrization of the ulcerous wounds which will lead to cure of the relapse condition.

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