
Psoriasis is a common, chronic inflammatory skin disease affecting many people of the world now a days. Psoriasis is principally an immunological T lymphocyte-driven disease, relating both the distinctive and T-cell-mediated immune systems. The mostly affected sites comprise the scalp, extensor surfaces of the knees and elbows, umbilicus, genitalia, anterior lower legs and nails. This disease can significantly impact on a patient's quality of life and is connected co-morbidities comprise psoriatic arthritis, obesity and the metabolic syndrome, diseases of cardiovascular system and liver with fats. Provided treatment is depends on disease severity, quality of life, patient preference, relevant co-morbidities and efficacy of the treatment. Treatment such as topical emollients, tar, analogues of vitamin D and corticosteroids are first line for local/mild disease. Psoriasis cannot be fully cured once it affects a person but can be managed by proper taking care of the skin according to the doctors. Patient counseling can also add benefits in the management of psoriasis.

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