
Tubal diseases accounts for 25%–35% of infertility in women. The line of treatment for it is tubal cannulation and microsurgical reconstruction. Moreover, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is suggested to patients post tubal microsurgery. These treatments have low success rate but have high costs. Hence, it is important to look for alternative therapies which are safe and cost-effective. From an Ayurvedic perspective, tubal blockage can be considered as Sangha Srotodushti of Artavabeejvaha srotas due to vitiated Tridosha. This is a case report of a female patient with a Bilateral cornual tubal block with a history of infertility. Due to Kapha -Vata dosha, 5ml Kshartail Uttarbasti was planned for 2 days for 3 consecutive menstrual cycles to remove obstruction produced in the tube. Due to Vyavayi (spreading fast throughout the body), Vikasi (distribution throughout the body without routine digestive process), and Sukshma (minute) properties of Kshartail, it spreads quickly into minute pores of the tube. Due to its Ushna (hot), Tikshna (penetrates deep tissue), Chedan (punctures tissue), and Bhedan (break down of particles) properties it scrapes the obstructing substance and removes fibrosed and damaged endometrial lining of the tube & uterus. Due to its Avakashkara (produces space), Srotoshodhak (purification of srotas) Ropan (wound healing), and disinfectant properties, it promotes the rejuvenation of tissue and improves the conductive functions of tubes and its Snigdha (oily), Ushna (hot) properties neutralises vitiated Vata dosha. After removal of the tubal block, the patient gets conceived naturally within 4 months and delivers a healthy baby. The result suggests that Uttarbasti is a highly effective, safe, low-cost Ayurvedic treatment without apparent complications.

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