
EVERYONE who has given even slight attention to the pre-revolutionary period of French history knows, at least by hearsay, something about Arthur Young's “Travels in France.” No other work of that time throws so clear and steady a light on the social and economic conditions which prevailed among the mass of the French people immediately before their great national convulsion. This is well understood by French historical students, who have found in the record of Young's observations a fnine of information on the very subjects about which they are most anxious to obtain trustworthy contemporary statements. The present reprint deserves, therefore, to be cordially welcomed. It has been carefully edited by Miss Betham-Edwards, who, in an interesting introduction, prepares the way for the study of the book by presenting “a contrasted picture of France under the ancien régime and under the third Republic.” She also gives a valuable biographical sketch of Arthur Young, the materials having been supplied by his grandson.

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