
Single-species reaction–diffusion equations, such as the Fisher–KPP and Porous-Fisher equations, support travelling wave solutions that are often interpreted as simple mathematical models of biological invasion. Such travelling wave solutions are thought to play a role in various applications including development, wound healing and malignant invasion. One criticism of these single-species equations is that they do not explicitly describe interactions between the invading population and the surrounding environment. In this work we study a reaction–diffusion equation that describes malignant invasion which has been used to interpret experimental measurements describing the invasion of malignant melanoma cells into surrounding human skin tissues Browning et al. (2019). This model explicitly describes how the population of cancer cells degrade the surrounding tissues, thereby creating free space into which the cancer cells migrate and proliferate to form an invasion wave of malignant tissue that is coupled to a retreating wave of skin tissue. We analyse travelling wave solutions of this model using a combination of numerical simulation, phase plane analysis and perturbation techniques. Our analysis shows that the travelling wave solutions involve a range of very interesting properties that resemble certain well-established features of both the Fisher–KPP and Porous-Fisher equations, as well as a range of novel properties that can be thought of as extensions of these well-studied single-species equations. Matlab software to implement all calculations is available at GitHub.

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