
In this review, we present a contemporary look at the management of travellers' diarrhoea (TD), and we discuss the potential role of a microbiome as well as the administration of live microorganisms in order to prevent TD. We performed a comprehensive search using the PubMed and Web of Science databases for the period 2014-2021, looking for original and review articles on travellers' diarrhoea. TD belongs among the most frequent illnesses experienced by travellers. For the most part, it is manifested as an acute yet self limiting condition, and only in a few cases proceeds to a prolonged form. Epidemiological analyses have shown that the majority of TD cases are caused by bacterial infections. In practice, pharmacological therapy is often used in the prevention and treatment of TD, since patients naturally seek preventive measures against the development of its severe course and its impact on planned activities. Bismuth salicylate is a strongly recommended TD prophylaxis but is not available on all European Union markets. Although the antibiotic prophylaxis is not generally recommended in guidelines, some antibiotic or chemotherapeutic agents are accessible over-the-counter in certain countries, and travellers are routinely encouraged to use them preventively. This routine can alter the microbiome of the traveller and promote the spread of drug resistant bacteria in their place of residence. Probiotic administration is considered safe, although the quality of evidence in favour of its prophylactic use in TD is currently low. The challenge for public health authorities is to educate personnel that can directly influence the behaviour of travellers through safe and effective pharmacological alternatives to antibiotics. Manipulation of the gut microbiome using specific probiotic strains can represent a safe and promising intervention.

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