
We consider traveling waves related to shocks for a non-local scalar conservation law \[ u_{t}+(f(u))_{x}=K\ast u-u, \] where $f$ is an arbitrary convex function, $K\ast u$ stands for the convolution in the spatial variable $x$, and $K$ is an arbitrary non-negative kernel with unit mass centered at the origin. Given a pair of values at $\pm\infty$ with $u_{-} > u_{+}$, we establish here the existence and uniqueness of a traveling-wave solution $u=\phi\left( x-ct\right) $ such that the wave speed \[ c=\frac{f\left( u_{+}\right) -f\left( u_{-}\right) }{u_{+}-u_{-}} \] and $\phi$, satisfying $\phi\left( \pm\infty\right) =u_{\pm}$, is a smooth decreasing function that can have at most one jump discontinuity at the origin. Our approach here is to consider a family of ``truncated" problems on $\left[ -n,n\right] $ which can be solved using Schauder's fixed-point theorem and then sending $n\rightarrow\infty$.

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