
Reviewed by: Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix by Aminah Mae Safi Natalie Berglind Safi , Aminah Mae Travelers Along the Way: A Robin Hood Remix . Feiwel , 2022 [ 352 p] (Remixed Classics) Trade ed. ISBN 9781250771278 $18.99 E-book ed. ISBN 9781250771285 $10.99 Reviewed from digital galleys R Gr. 8-12 Rahma al-Hud follows her righteous older sister right into the thick of Crusade politics of Jerusalem in 1192. The sisters slowly accumulate a team of misfits: Teni, a tall Mongolian fighter; Viva, a Jewish alchemist; John, an outcast from the Knights Templar; and Majid Mirza, gender-bent Maid Marian who serves as a spy (and eventually needs to be rescued). Rahma gains her reputation as the Green Hood as she steals the false Queen Isabella's abused horse, gives money from Faranji knights to the poor, and robs caravans to feed the needy. This take on Robin Hood from the Remixed Classics series is truly original, positing the Robin Hood figure in and around Jerusalem from a Muslim perspective. Fans of the legend have plenty of references to indulge in, from Rahma al-Hud's similar-sounding name to the roles of her "merry misfits" and the attempts by Queen Isabella to lure her out, and readers who appreciate historical accuracy will delight in the many mentions of real people, places, and events from the past. Add in some heart-pumping adventure, characters who outwit enemies, and found families from diverse backgrounds, and this is crowd-pleaser with a broad audience. A timeline of the Third Crusade is included for reference. Copyright © 2022 The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois

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