
AS NATIONS seemingly grow more collegial, opportunities for international travel are growing. So is medical interest in the globe-trotting traveler, and next year a major international conference on the subject will be held in Atlanta, Ga, with the CDC as one of the sponsors. This will be the second Conference on International Travel Medicine. It is scheduled for May 9 through 12, 1991, and cosponsors will include the World Health Organization, a Switzerland-based autonomous unit within the United Nations system with which the CDC works closely; the World Tourism Organization, headquartered in Madrid, Spain; the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine; and Emory University's School of Medicine and Crawford Long Hospital, both in Atlanta. A sampling of topics to be discussed includes jet lag, motion sickness, high-altitude environments, traveler's diarrhea, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, sexually transmitted diseases, malaria, vector-borne disorders, problems associated with marine life, psychological aspects of travel and

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