
Advanced technology available in promising fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) will encourage people to travel more than they have up to now using their regular vehicles. It is believed that the disadvantages of manually driven vehicles, such as driving fatigue, stressful feelings, aging physical skills deterioration, and other unwanted effects, will vanish once AVs are employed. For this purpose, this study presents the results of a large questionnaire performed in Győr, Hungary, about the public perception and acceptance of AVs. In addition, assessing the impact of using such technology on increasing travel demand when people can alter their mode of transport to an AV. The study demonstrates that respondents’ prior knowledge of AVs plays a crucial role in generating a greater number of trips when they are able to use AVs. Furthermore, it has also been found that providing further awareness and education to the population about the meaning of the term autonomous vehicles and widening their insights about the new features provided by these vehicles will result in a higher number of trips. Eventually, this information will act as a considerable indicator to provide a prior understanding of the possible challenges that may impact the sustainability of future transport systems.

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