
A case of perilymphatic fistula with the luxation of the stapes into vestibule was described, which was caused by a direct damage of the eardrum (the patient cleaned the right ear with a cotton swab and received a strong blow to the arm). The moment of injury was characterized by severe pain, a significant hearing loss, the appearance of tympanophonia and vertigo. Clinical examination revealed the eardrum rupture. After perforation healing the hearing did not improve, a high degree of mixed sensorineural hearing loss remained with a bone-air interval of up to 50 dB throughout the tone scale. CT of the temporal bones showed a pneumolabirinth and a change in the malleus position, which made it possible to suggest the presence of a perilymphatic fistula with the luxation of the stapes. The extent of damage was confirmed by surgery. The stapes was removed and the perilymphatic fistula was closed.

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