
Objective. The purpose is to outline the etiology, prevalence and potential consequences of dentaltrauma. Materialandmethods.MicroelectronicexaminationofMedline(PubMed),Cochrane,SSCI(SocialCitation Index), SCI (Science Citation Index) records from 1995 to the present, using the following searchwords:toothinjuries,toothtrauma,traumatizedteeth,dentaltrauma,dento-alveolartrauma,oraltrauma,epidemiology,etiology,prevalence,prevention,pulpnecrosis,inflammatoryresorption,ankyloses,cervicalresorption, was implemented. Results. During the last decade, traumatic dental injuries were recognized as a public dental healthproblem worldwide. Prevalence of traumatic dental injuries varies among countries. In line with theexistingdatatheyaremoreprevalentinpermanentthaninprimarydentition.Alltreatmentprocedures,incaseofdentaltrauma,aredirectedtominimizeundesiredconsequencesdespitethefact,thattreatmentof traumatic dental injuries in the young patient is often complicated and can continue duringthe rest of his/her life. The changing lifestyle and requirements of modern society have lead to anemergence of new patterns of dental trauma. A regular update of knowledge in dental traumatology isrequired. Conclusion-ThemostfrequentTDIincludedlateralluxationinprimaryteethandenamel-dentinefractures inpermanentteeth.Weobserveda delayinpatientsobtainingemergency dentalcare.

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