
Pemphigus is a group of autoimmune diseases characterized by intraepidermal acantholytic blisters. Isomorphic responses, or Koebner phenomenon (KP), defined as the appearance of typical lesions of a disease following trauma are rarely reported in pemphigus. Our aim was to present patients who developed new pemphigus lesions as a result of skin trauma. The medical files of pemphigus patients from the Autoimmune Bullous Diseases Research Center, who had a history of trauma before the onset or flare of their disease, between 1999 and 2013 were reviewed. Thirty-six pemphigus vulgaris (PV) patients had a history of trauma. Thirteen patients developed new-onset PV and the other 23 had previously been diagnosed with PV. Pemphigus lesions developed most often following major surgeries including abdominal, orthopedic, and chest surgeries as well as dental procedures, blunt physical trauma, and skin surgeries. Moreover, post-cataract laser surgery, burns, radiation therapy, and physiotherapy were also shown to induce pemphigus. Mean time between trauma and lesions was 4.7 weeks for recurrent PV and 15.0 weeks for new-onset PV. Unnecessary surgery and blunt trauma should be avoided in pemphigus patients. Furthermore, posttraumatic pemphigus should be suspected in poorly healing surgical wounds and confirmatory biopsies are mandatory.

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