
377 cases of injuries to genitourinary organs, in 41% with renal lesion, were studied. Early and late complications were most common when the renal damage had been of medium severity and treated conservatively. In severe lesions to kidneys, particularly to solitary ones, the organs were saved by surgery, as described by Scott. In the cases of urinary bladder rupture the mortality rate was 16%. Septicaemia was she most frequent cause of death. In cases of urethral disruption after primary suture the results were good and the duration of treatment was short, in cases of postoperative stricture, however, the conditions for the next surgical intervention were much more favourable. In about 50% of the case of urethral disruption treated surgically and in nearly every case with simultaneous pelvic bone fracture subsequent impotentia coeundi and generadi occurred. The denuded penis was covered with a free skin graft. It healed quickly, and the cosmetic result was good. In cases with torsion of the testicular pedicle the organ was preserved by early surgical turning-back. An attempt to preserve the testicle should be made even when the torsion had persisted several days.

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