
Straipsnyje aptariama konstruktyvistinė įtraukiamojo mokymosi (angl. Engaged learning) teorija ir pateikiama koreliacinio tyrimo ataskaita, kurios tikslas, remiantis konstruktyvizmo paradigmos nuostatomis bei Jones, Valdez, Nowakovski ir Rasmussen išskirtais indikatoriais l kintamaisiais (mokymosi vizija, uždaviniai, įvertinimas, instrukcinis modelis, mokymosi kontekstas, grupavimas, mokytojo vaidmenys, moksleivio vaidmenys), nustatyti, ar egzistuoja statistiškai reikšmingas mokytojų mokomosios veiklos, besiremiančios įtraukiamojo mokymosi nuostatomis bei paties įtraukiamojo mokymosi konteksto ryšys. Įsitraukimo i mokymąsi ugdymas, pasak konstruktyvistų, yra tinkamiausias mokant pradinių klasių moksleivius mokytis. Tyrime dalyvavo 30 pradinių klasių mokytojų iš įvairių Latvijos mokyklų. Koreliacinis tyrimas parodė, kad yra vidutinio stiprumo teigiamas mokytojų nuostatų ir jų mokomosios veiklos savivokos ryšys. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad mokytojų įsitikinimu kintamųjų moksleivio vaidmenys ir įvertinimas ryšys su jų mokomąja veikla yra stipresnis nei kitų; silpniausias nustatytas ryšys su kintamuoju uždaviniai.


  • An urgent task for Latvian educa­ tors is to develop a sustainable educational pa­ radigm complimentary with European and glo­ bai contcxts.Political changes and unremitting educatio­ nal reforms keep all the participants of educa­ tional affair always in a state of alertness and make the situation of teacher vcry unstable

  • There is a need to define the bac­ kground for primary teachers approach to the teaching/learning, to find out their attitudc to­ ward the different elements of engaged lear­ ning as the elaboration of constructivist para­ digm, and to ascertain the agreement between the beliefs and performance in relation to en­ gaged learning

  • In line with postmodernist attitude toward thc truth in edu­ cational research if a teacher believes that their own particular knowledge, skill or personality characteristic is at a certain stage of develop­ ment, and rates it that rating needs to be accepted as being 'true' for that teacher (Curtis & Cheng, 2001)

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Anita Pipere

The research extends the knowledge on relationships between the teachers' beliefs and perfor­ mance for a sample of in-service primary teachers and engaged learning as a context relevant for the primary school setting. The aim was to discover the relationships between the teachers' beliefs expressed as a rating of significance for indicators of engaged learning (EL) and performance-related self-perceptions regarding these indicators. The content , of survey is based on variab/es of EL developed by Jones, Valdez, Nowakowski, and Rasmussen: vision of learning, tasks, assessment, instructional model, learning context, grouping, teacher roles, student roles. Medium strength positive relationships were found between the beliefs and performance­ related self-perceptions of teachers. The findings suggest that beliefs regarding variable student role and assessment were more strongly linked to performance than other variables; the wea­ kest links were found for variable tasks

Engaged Learning in primary school
Beliefs of teachers on constructivism
Inconsistency between beliefs and performance
Instrument and procedures
Producer Equitable Facilitator
Assessment lndicator
Producer lndicator Definition
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