
To review our experience with the surgical treatment of cervicomediastinal goiters. Charts of patients with cervicomediastinal goiters undergoing thyroidectomy within the last 10 years were reviewed. Data regarding previous disease, clinical features, diagnostic procedures, surgical intervention and postoperative evolution were recorded. Twenty-eight patients (19 female and 9 male) 62 +/- 2 years old underwent surgery to treat cervicomediastinal goiter during the period reviewed. Among patients with compressive manifestations (75.6%), dyspnea was the most common (36.6%) symptom, followed by dysphagia and superior vena cava syndrome. An extrathoracic obstruction pattern was found in 3 (11.2%) cases. Thyroid scintigraphy showed increased thyroid size in 25 patients, and in 9 of them a cold nodule was present as well. Fine needle aspiration of the thyroid gland was performed in 5 patients; malignancy was found only in 1 case. Fiberoptic bronchoscopy was performed in 15 patients; in 7 (25%) tracheal compression was found. In these patients there was no higher rate of postoperative complications. Cervicotomy was the surgical approach used in 23 (82.1%) patients. Cervicosternotomy was used in 4 (14%), and thoracotomy in 1 (3.6%). The surgical procedure was bilateral subtotal thyroidectomy in 15 (53.6%), total thyroidectomy in 3 (10.7%), right lobectomy in 6 (21.4%), and left lobectomy in 4 (14.3%). Colloid goiter was the most common histological type (42.8%), followed by nodular hyperplasia (35.8%), cancer (10.7%) and adenoma (10.7%). Three patients showed transient recurrent paralysis in the postoperative period, and another 3 patients presented major complications: 1 case of postoperative bleeding and 2 cases of tracheomalacia requiring tracheostomy. Cervicomediastinal goiter is a disease that may involve compressive symptoms. In our experience, most cases were resected through cervicotomy, colloid goiter and the nodular hyperplasia being the most common histological types. There was no relationship between surgical procedure and the incidence of complications.

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