
Introduction and treatment goalsDiabetes treatment programmes are based on the use of numerous pharmacological and nonpharmacological strategies directed at preventing and controlling metabolic disorders and associated processes. Model of care and general treatment strategyThe most effective model of care is based on the interactions between informed, active patients and prepared, proactive healthcare teams. The most appropriate strategy for establishing the various therapeutic measures is their stepwise use, prioritising those that act on the causal factors and/or improve the largest number of disorders. Diabetes self-management education, nutritional treatment and physical activityNutritional changes (reducing saturated fat, providing an appropriate caloric intake and distributing carbohydrates according to the hypoglycaemic drug treatment) and increased physical activity are the pillars of diabetes prevention and treatment and should be planned in conjunction with the patients to facilitate their compliance. These measures, along with other lifestyle changes and incorporating patients as an active element in self-care through education and continuous motivation, form part of the initial treatment of diabetes. Management of obesity in patients with diabetesTreating obesity is essential for treating hyperglycaemia and the processes associated with diabetes and should be considered an initial treatment objective.

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