
Acute and post-traumatic stress disorderAcute stress disorder (ASD) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) arise as a result of the experience of a trauma or traumatic event that poses a significant threat (physical, emotional or psychological) to the safety of a patient or a beloved person. Are included in the category «Trauma-and stressor-related disorders» of DSM-5. In both, stress and anxiety increase, but their timeline are different: in ASD symptomatology appears in last month, whereas in PTSD symptoms last more than a month. Symptom are encompassed in four diagnostic groups: re-experimentation, avoidance, negative cognition/mood and hyperarousal. Worldwide prevalence estimates of PTSD in general population is around 3.9%, increasing to 5.6% in trauma exposed population. High rates of functional decline, somatic complaints, suicide risk and psychiatric comorbidity are related with PTSD. Treatment includes psychotherapy and psychotropic agents (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor [SSRI] are the first-line treatment). In those cases of risk of suicide, poor treatment response or comorbidities, patients will, patients referred to a psychiatrist.

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