
Formation of complicated emission patterns consisting of many transverse modes and associated intensity pulsations at beat frequencies between some pairs of transverse eigenmodes in microchip solid-state lasers with laser-diode asymmetric end-pumping are reviewed. The dependence of billiard-like transverse patterns on pump power and crystal rotation (i.e. kaleidoscopic patterns) was demonstrated in a 0.3 mm thick thin-slice LiNdP4O12 laser with sheet-like end-pumping. Pump-power-dependent high-speed self-pulsations were observed. The asymmetric optical confinement resulted in the formation of transverse patterns which were totally different from normal Hermite–Gaussian resonator modes. The interference among pairs of non-orthogonal transverse eigenmode fields, whose energy levels exhibited avoided crossing with increasing pump power, was shown to result in high-speed intensity modulations. A good numerical reproduction of the observed high-speed modulations was obtained with model equations.

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