
Two non-discrete Hausdorff group topologies τ and δ on a group G are called transversal if the least upper bound τ ⋁ δ of τ and δ is the discrete topology. In this paper, we discuss the existence of transversal group topologies on locally pseudocompact, locally precompact, or locally compact groups. We prove that each locally pseudocompact, connected topological group satisfies central subgroup paradigm, which gives an affirmative answer to a problem posed by Dikranjan, Tkachenko, and Yaschenko [Topology Appl., 2006, 153: 3338–3354]. For a compact normal subgroup K of a locally compact totally disconnected group G, if G admits a transversal group topology, then G/K admits a transversal group topology, which gives a partial answer again to a problem posed by Dikranjan, Tkachenko, and Yaschenko in 2006. Moreover, we characterize some classes of locally compact groups that admit transversal group topologies.

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