
AbstractWe develop the transversal harmonic theory for a transversally symplectic flow on a manifold and establish the transversal hard Lefschetz theorem. Our main results extend the cases for a contact manifold (H. Kitahara and H. K. Pak, ‘A note on harmonic forms on a compact manifold’, Kyungpook Math. J.43 (2003), 1–10) and for an almost cosymplectic manifold (R. Ibanez, ‘Harmonic cohomology classes of almost cosymplectic manifolds’, Michigan Math. J.44 (1997), 183–199). For the point foliation these are the results obtained by Brylinski (‘A differential complex for Poisson manifold’, J. Differential Geom.28 (1988), 93–114), Haller (‘Harmonic cohomology of symplectic manifolds’, Adv. Math.180 (2003), 87–103), Mathieu (‘Harmonic cohomology classes of symplectic manifolds’, Comment. Math. Helv.70 (1995), 1–9) and Yan (‘Hodge structure on symplectic manifolds’, Adv. Math.120 (1996), 143–154).

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