
Catheter-mediated, percutaneous, transluminal delivery of naked plasmid DNA (pDNA) into myocardium may offer a valuable strategy to heart diseases. Here, we examined whether clinically available transthoracic direct current (DC) shock improves intracoronary naked DNA transfection into myocardium. Plasmid vector encoding the GL3 luciferase was infused retrogradely into the coronary veins of beagle dogs, whereas another pDNA solution was infused into the left coronary artery. During and after these procedures, the coronary venous sinus was occluded by balloon, and transthoracic DC shock of 200 J was applied immediately after the infusions. Without DC shock, no remarkable increase in luciferase activity was demonstrated in any part of the left ventricular myocardium. In the presence of DC pulsation, significant luciferase expression was detected in the regions that were supplied by left anterior descending coronary artery (LAD), whereas the gene expression in the right coronary artery (RCA) regions was much less drastic. X-gal (5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-beta-D-galactoside) staining of cardiac cross-sections also revealed regional expression of beta-galactosidase. Immunohistochemical examinations of heart cryosections revealed that cardiomyocytes in LAD regions successfully expressed transgene product. The present system may enable a new strategy for myocardial gene therapy, without any special device or technique other than cardiac catheterization and DC cardioversion that are generally performed in ordinary hospitals.

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