
This survey examined policies of correctional facilities as they relate to transsexual inmates in the European Community as well as Australia, Canada and the United States. Where formal policies were reported, we inquired into whether these policies addressed the following issues: is hormonal therapy provided and if so under what conditions; are transsexual inmates at greater risk of physical or sexual assault; is surgery ever available to those in the prison system; and are placement decisions of corrections departments influenced by surgical status. We found that only 40% of correctional services departments had either formal or informal policies which addressed issues such as hormone treatment. While more than half of correctional services departments would not initiate hormone therapy, almost half would maintain previously prescribed hormone treatment. Genital status was the overwhelming factor in determining placement in a men's or women's prison. There was no consensus on the risk of either physical or sexual assault of transsexual inmates. The 60% of respondents without formal or informal policies were largely consistent in asserting that policy is developed and implemented on a case management basis in the best interests of the institution and the inmate.

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