
Dextrocardia and transposition of the viscera cannot be regarded as an extremely unusual anomaly, several hundred cases having been reported in the literature. The following unique case is reported because of the fact that, although there was transposition of the heart chambers, the heart occupied approximately its normal position and the clinical diagnosis was made on the abdominal findings. REPORT OF CASE H. B., a boy, aged 2 years, had been treated for phlyctenular conjunctivitis, and entered our wards with a complicating bronchopneumonia and otitis media. History. —The family and past history were not obtained in detail. No information was elicited relevant to the present report. Physical Examination. —The patient, a poorly developed and extremely malnourished boy, aged 2 years, was acutely ill. The left cornea was completely obliterated. The chest examination showed signs of pneumonic process near the angle of the right scapula. The heart was normally placed, the

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