
A variety of transport properties have been measured for solutions of the water soluble polymer poly(ethylene oxide)(PEO) with molecular weights ranging from 200 to 14,000, and volume fractions ranging from 0-80%. The transport properties are thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity at audio frequencies (in solutions containing dilute electrolyte), and water self-diffusion. These data, together with dielectric relaxation data previously reported, are amenable to analysis by the same mixture theory. The ionic conductivity and water self-diffusion coefficient, but not the thermal conductivity, are substantially smaller than predicted by the Maxwell and Hanai mixture relations, calculated using the known transport properties of pure liquid water. A 25% (by volume) solution of PEO exhibits an average dielectric relaxation frequency of the suspending water of one half that of pure water, with clear evidence of a distribution of relaxation times present. The limits of the cumulative distribution of dielectric relaxation times that are consistent with the data are obtained using a linear programming technique. The application of simple mixture theory, under appropriate limiting conditions, yields hydration values for the more dilute polymer solutions that are somewhat larger than values obtained from thermodynamic measurements.

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