
The neoclassical plasma transport coefficients for axisymmetric toroidal magnetic confinement systems are calculated in the regime of low-to-intermediate collision frequency. The problem of solving the linearized drift kinetic equations, and calculating the transport coefficients, is formulated as a variational principle. A maximal form of the variational principle, which is valid in the low-to-intermediate collision frequency regime, is used in a numerical solution of the finite dfiference equations, to obtain the distribution function at points on a mesh in phase space. A new analytical result is used to check the accuracy of the numerical calculation for small collision frequencies; this is a correction to the asymptotic banana regime result, obtained from a Wiener-Hopf analysis of the boundary layer in phase space between the trapped and untrapped particle regions. An analytical correction to the plateau regime analtyical result is also obtained. The transport coefficients are found to be monotonic functions of collision frequency, with a gradual transition from the banana regime to the plateau regime. Analytical formulas have been fitted to the numerically computed results.

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