
Transport equations for composite nucleons and deconfined quarks in quark-nuclear matter (QNM) are derived. QNM is a many-body system containing hadrons and deconfined quarks. The starting point is a microscopic quark-meson coupling (QMC) Hamiltonian with a density-dependent quark-quark interaction. An effective quark-hadron Hamiltonian containing canonical hadron and quark field operators is constructed using a mapping procedure. For high densities, the effective Hamiltonian contains interactions that lead to quark deconfinement. Transport equations of the Ueling-Ullenbeck-Vlasov type for quarks and nucleons are obtained using standard many-body techniques with the effective quark-hadron Hamiltonian. I Introduction The study of the properties of high density hadronic matter is one of the most important problems in contemporary physics. The possibility of creating in laboratory a new state of matter through collisions of heavy nuclei has become feasible in recent years, with widespread opportunities for understanding several aspects of the strong interactions and matter in superdense stars and at the origin of the universe. One of the central questions in this field is the identification of the appropriate degrees of freedom to describe the different phases of hadronic matter. At densities much higher than the nuclear saturation density, a phase of deconfined matter composed of quarks and gluons is expected to occur. The study of the properties of such a state is possible with the methods of perturbative quantum chromodynamics (QCD). On the other hand, the study of matter at densities not much higher than the saturation density of nuclear matter - like the one existing in dense stars - is very complicated. The complication is due to the fact that this phase of matter is characterized by nonperturbative QCD phenomena and the use of tractable models and drastic approximations is presently the only practical way of tackling the problem. The quark-meson coupling (QMC) model [1] is a very useful model to study the different phases of hadronic matter. It is formulated in terms of quark-gluon degrees of freedom and is devised in such a way to incorporate in an explicit way hadron structure in the nuclear many-body problem. In this model, low-density hadronic matter is described as a system of independent baryons interacting through effective scalar- and vector-meson degrees of freedom which couple directly to the quarks. At very high density the quarks and gluons become deconfined and the entire system is confined by a bag, or potential. For a list of references and recent work, see Ref. [2].

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