
The article deals with the problem of pollution of the air basin of urban areas, taking into account development. Emissions into the atmosphere of sulfur oxides, hydrogen chloride, nitrogen in the absence of wind in the lower layers of the atmosphere, strong inversion, high solar activity and interaction with water vapor in the air form acids of harmful substances. The general concept of the transition to clean air in urban areas proposes to consider the systemic integrity of objects consisting of three - “human«environment« transport”. Theoretical and practical calculations of the transverse profile of dispersion of pollution from road transport in the main areas were carried out. Based on the analysis, it is indicated that the propagation range of vehicle emissions (for example, nitrogen oxides) significantly exceeds the distances at which pedestrian and bicycle paths pass, and pose a danger to human health.
 If a highway passes through a street canyon, then specific conditions are created for the dispersion of pollutants, resulting in the creation of contrasting microclimatic zones with an increased concentration of air pollution. These data can be dozens of times higher than the normative values and concentrations of pollutants in open space. It is proposed to create low emission zones (LEZ) by promoting public transport or encouraging active modes of transport. The results obtained make it possible to determine rational and economically justified sets of measures to reduce the level of urban air pollution and rational methods of organizing traffic, taking into account the likely degree of pollution of urban areas, including canyons, in accordance with design solutions.

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