
We calculate the transverse momentum broadening $\hat q$ and collisional energy loss $dE/dx$ of hard probes traversing an evolving glasma during the earliest phase of a relativistic heavy-ion collision. We use a Fokker-Planck equation and apply a proper time expansion to describe the temporal evolution of the glasma. The correlators of the chromodynamic fields that determine the Fokker-Planck collision terms, which in turn provide $\hat q$ and $dE/dx$, are computed to fifth order. Both transport coefficients are strongly dependent on time. The maximum values they acquire before the proper time expansion breaks down are large: $\hat q$ is of the order of a few ${\rm GeV^2/fm}$ and $dE/dx \sim 1~{\rm GeV/fm}$. Their precise values depend on the probe's velocity ${\bf v}$, the saturation momentum $Q_s$, and an IR regulator $m$ that is related to the confinement scale. We study the dependence of our results on these quantities. Different regularization procedures are analysed and shown to produce similar results. We also discuss the validity of the proper time expansion and the compatibility of the approximations that are inherent in the derivation of the Fokker-Planck equation. We show that hard probes lose a comparable amount of energy when they propagate through the short-lived glasma phase, and the long-lasting hydrodynamic phase. The conclusion is that the glasma plays an important role in jet quenching.

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