
The development of transport lexicography in retrospect, starting with the first transport technical dictionaries (railway and others), shown. An almost exhaustive list (55 titles) of the dictionaries that have been published so far that make up the transport lexicography with Russian as the main language or one of the languages included in the transport dictionaries given. The multilingual form of the first dictionaries noted, covering the languages of those countries where, by the time of the constitution of the railway network in Russia, railways had advanced development. The stage of updating transport technical dictionaries by the middle of the XX century considered. The characteristics of the current state in the field of foreign-language and Russian-language terminological transport dictionaries, including terminological dictionaries, as well as their new types, such as dictionaries of abbreviations, are given. The coverage of the transport lexicography of the main types of transport (except for pipeline transport) shown. The tendency of specialization of dictionaries in the field of one type of transport and the revival of multilingual dictionaries, including the use of ‘new’ languages for transport lexicography (Kazakh, Mongolian, Ukrainian), where Russian is not the state language after the collapse of the USSR, noted. Recommendations for the further development of transport lexicography, including the continuation and expansion of the practice of issuing highly specialized dictionaries along with universal transport dictionaries, as well as specialization of electronic dictionaries as a way to improve their quality and speed up work with them formulated.

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