
Abstract Recent summer surveys of the northeastern Chukchi Sea found pelagic fishes were dominated by large numbers of age-0 Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida, Gadidae) and walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus, Gadidae), while adult fishes were comparatively scarce. The source and fate of these young fishes remain unclear, as sampling in this region is impeded by seasonal ice cover much of the year. Seafloor-mounted echosounders were deployed at three locations in the northeastern Chukchi Sea from 2017 to 2019 to determine the movement and seasonal variability of these age-0 gadids. These observations indicated that the abundance of pelagic fishes and community composition on the Chukchi Sea shelf were highly variable on seasonal time scales, with few fish present in winter. Tracking indicated that fish movements were strongly correlated with local currents. Fishes were primarily displaced to the northeast in summer and fall, with periodic reversals towards the southwest driven by changes in regional wind patterns. The flux of fishes past the moorings indicated that the prevailing northward currents transport a large proportion of the age-0 pelagic fishes present on the Chukchi shelf in summer to the northeast by fall, leading to relatively low abundances of age-1+fishes in this environment.

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