
This paper presents a transport and recovery of silver ions through bulk liquid membranes based on n–decanol using as carriers 10–undecylenic acid and 10–undecylenyl alcohol. The transport of silver ions across membranes has been studied in the presence of two types of magnetic oxide nanoparticles obtained by the electrochemical method with iron electrodes in the electrolyte with and without silver ions, which act as promoters of turbulence in the membrane. Separation of silver ions by bulk liquid membranes using 10–undecylenic acid and 10–undecylenyl alcohol as carriers were performed by comparison with lead ions. The configuration of the separation module has been specially designed for the chosen separation process. Convective-generating magnetic nanoparticles were characterized in terms of the morphological and structural points of view: scanning electron microscopy (SEM), high-resolution SEM (HR–SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy analysis (EDAX), Fourier Transform InfraRed (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermal gravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry and magnetization. The process performance (flux and selectivity) was tested were tested for silver ion transport and separation through n–decanol liquid membranes with selected carriers. Under the conditions of the optimized experimental results (pH = 7 of the source phase, pH = 1 of the receiving phase, flow rate of 30 mL/min for the source phase and 9 mL/min for the receiving phase, 150 rot/min agitation of magnetic nanoparticles) separation efficiencies of silver ions of over 90% were obtained for the transport of undecenoic acid and about 80% for undecylenyl alcohol.


  • The liquid membrane consists of a distinct organic phase that separates two other aqueous phases [1]

  • This paper presents a transport and recovery of silver ions through bulk liquid membranes based on n–decanol using as carriers 10–undecylenic acid and 10–undecylenyl alcohol

  • Under the conditions of the optimized experimental results separation efficiencies of silver ions of over 90% were obtained for the transport of undecenoic acid and about 80% for undecylenyl alcohol

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The aqueous phase containing the species about to be transported is. The liquid membrane consists of a distinct organic phase that separates two other aqueous phases [1]. The aqueous phase containing the species about to be transported is ccaalllleeddtthheessoouurrccee pphhaassee ((SSPP)) aanndd tthhee aqquueeoouuss phhaassee thaat receives the transported species iissccaallleeddththeererceecievivininggphpahsaese(R(PR)P[)2][.2M]. EMmebmrabnreanperopcreoscsessaerseainredinviddiuvaidliuzaeldiztehdrotuhgrohutghhe uthse uofsethoef tihoeniocanrrciaerrr,iethr,ethcearcraierrie(rC()Ct)htahtaetxeixstistsininththeeoorgrgaannicicpphhaassee((tthhee mmeemmbbrraannee)) ccoommppaarreedd ttoo tthhee trraaddiittiioonnaall extrraaccttiioonn systeemm,, which uses complexants. Proper selection oofftthheeccaarrrriieerriissccrruucciiaallffoorr tthhee eeffffiicciieennccyy ooff lliiqquuiidd mmeemmbbrraanneess. HHiigghh sseeppaarraattiioonn sseelleeccttiivviittyy ffaaccttoorrssaarreeaacchhiieevveedd wwhheenn tthhee cchhoosseenn ccaarrrriieerr hhaass aahhiigghhaaffffiinniittyy ffoorr oonnee ooff tthhee ccoommppoonneennttss ooff tthhee ffeeeedd ssoolluuttiioonn [[22,,33]]. TThhee mmaaiinn aaddvvaanntataggeeofolfiqluiqiudimd emmebmrabnreasneiss thisattthhaet stohleubsioliltuybailnitdydaifnfudsidoinffcuoseioffinccoieenfftiscioefntths eofcothmepcooumnpdosuinndasliinquaildiqmuieddmiuemdiaurme hairgehheirgthhearnthinana isnoalidsomlidedmiuemdi,uamnd, atnhde tahdedaidtidonitioofnaotfraantsrapnosrpt oagrteangt efuntrtfhuerrthgerrowgrsotwhse tpheermpeerambielaitbyiloitfythoef tmheemmbermanbera[n4,e5][.4,5]. TThheeppuurreemmeemmbbrarnaneesoslovlevnetnrtarraerlyelyenesnusruesretshethseelescetlievcittiyviotyf tohfe tsheepasreaptiaornatpiornocpesrso,tcheastsi,stwhahtyisspwechifyic scpoemcpifilecxcaonmtspolrecxaarnrtiserosrarceairnrtireorsduacreedinintrtohdeulicqeudidinmtehmeblriaqnueid(Fmigeumre1b)r:amnaec(rFoicgyucrleic1c)o: mmpacoruoncdycsl(iccrcoowmnpeotuhnerdss, c(crryopwtannse,thsperhse,rcarnytpst,acnalsi,xsaprhenereasn, ctsy,ccloaldixexartreinness), [c6y,7c]l,odcheexmtriincasl)ly[6,m7]o,dcihfieemdiccalallsysicmaol dcoifimepdlecxlaasnstisca(lecspomecpiallelxyawntisth(egsrpoeucpiaslllyipwopithhilgicro) u[8p]s, fluipnocptihoinliac)li[z8e]d, funnacntoiosnpaelcizieesd(nnaannoosppaerctiiecsle(ns,annaonpoatrutibcleess,, vneasnioctluesb,ems, ivceeslilcelse)s[,9m–i1c1e]l.les) [9,10,11]

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