
In this paper an overview is given of earlier work on transport, deposition AND transformation of suspended matter, and contaminants (metals, hydrocarbons) in Lithuanian coastal waters as well as in other parts of the Baltic Sea. The Lithuanian river Nemunas dischargesc. 600.106 kg suspended matter into the Kursių Marios Lagoon annually, of which two thirds are accumulated in the lagoon. The remainder is exported to the Baltic Sea through the Klaipeda Strait influencing biological activity in the coastal zone. Sedimentation rate in Kursių Marios Lagoon is estimated at 3.2 mm y−1. In the last 50 years the surface area of the lagoon decreased by 0.7 km2 y−1. Concentration profiles of metals and hydrocarbons were measured in the Kursių Marios Lagoon, the Baltic proper, and in the Gulf of Finland. Among hydrocarbons both anthropogenic and compounds from natural sources are present. It is argued that correct interpretation of concentration horizons in sediment may be hampered by various processes,e. g. early sedimentogenesis and diagenesis, and cyclic salinity changes in the Baltic Sea.

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