
Robot-mediated therapy is an emerging field of research seeking to improve therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Current approaches to autonomous robot-mediated therapy often focus on having a robot teach a single skill to children with ASD and lack a personalized approach to each individual. More recently, Learning from Demonstration (LfD) approaches are being explored to teach socially assistive robots to deliver personalized interventions after they have been deployed but these approaches require large amounts of demonstrations and utilize learning models that cannot be easily interpreted. In this work, we present a LfD system capable of learning the delivery of autism therapies in a data-efficient manner utilizing learning models that are inherently interpretable. The LfD system learns a behavioral model of the task with minimal supervision via hierarchical clustering and then learns an interpretable policy to determine when to execute the learned behaviors. The system is able to learn from less than an hour of demonstrations and for each of its predictions can identify demonstrated instances that contributed to its decision. The system performs well under unsupervised conditions and achieves even better performance with a low-effort human correction process that is enabled by the interpretable model.

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