
We study versions of the categories of Yetter-Drinfel'd mod- ules over a Hopf algebra H in a braided monoidal category C. Contrary- wise to Bespalov's approach, all our structures live in C. This forces H to be transparent or equivalently to lie in Muger's center Z2(C) of C. We prove that versions of the categories of Yetter-Drinfel'd modules in C are braided monoidally isomorphic to the categories of (left/right) modules over the Drinfel'd double D(H) > C for H nite. We obtain that these categories polarize into two disjoint groups of mutually iso- morphic braided monoidal categories. We conclude that if H > Z2(C), then D(H)C embeds as a subcategory into the braided center category Z1(HC) of the category HC of left H-modules in C. For C braided, rigid and cocomplete and a quasitriangular Hopf algebra H such that H > Z2(C) we prove that the whole center category of HC is monoidally isomorphic to the category of left modules over Aut(HC) # H - the bosonization of the braided Hopf algebra Aut(HC) which is the coend in HC. A family of examples of a transparent Hopf algebras is discussed.

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