
The growing importance of defined contribution (DC) pension plans is focusing attention on the decumulation or payout phase of pension systems. Where annuitization is encouraged or mandatory, how to ensure that individuals get the best price for annuity products is key. The complicated nature of these decisions means that purchases are highly dependent on the information and advice provided by the sellers of these products. This can be a problem where annuity providers are already involved in the preretirement, accumulation phase, leaving individuals open to abuse if ‘locked-in’ and not able to ‘shop around’ to find a better annuity rate from alternative providers. This paper discusses two countries building centralized information and quotation systems for annuity products to help individuals select the right retirement product at the right price. The SCOMP system in Chile is examined and developments around the Open Market Option (OMO) in the UK are discussed, with lessons drawn for other pension supervisory authorities contemplating introducing such centralized systems.

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