
This article aims to discuss the dimension of transparency in the process of organizing public services at the Office of Investment and Integrated Services One Door Kolaka Regency. The lack of access from citizens, limited public service information, and various maladministrations that occurred showed not an optimal improvement in the quality of public services in Indonesia. The idea of transparency in public services is that the government should be open with the availability of clear information and provide convenience to citizens in accessing services. this research uses a qualitative approach with a case study. Data is collected through interviews, observations, and documentation. The results of this study show that the process of organizing public services at the Office of Investment and Integrated Services One Door Kolaka Regency has been carried out transparently. Service executors have been open and provide all public service information needed by the community. Access to services can be reached easily by residents. Although some people have difficulty in accessing services online, the implementing officers always help and provide convenience as a form of responsiveness in public services.


  • Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan dimensi transparansi dalam proses penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik pada Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu Kabupaten Kolaka

  • This article aims to discuss the dimension of transparency in the process of organizing public services at the Office of Investment and Integrated Services One Door Kolaka Regency

  • The idea of transparency in public services is that the government should be open with the availability of clear information and provide convenience to citizens in accessing services. this research uses a qualitative approach with a case study

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Dasar Hukum

2. Maksud dan tujuan Jasa konstruksi mempunyai peranan strategis dalam pembangunan di daerah sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya perlu dilakukan pembinaan baik terhadap penyedia jasa, pengguna jasa maupun masyarakat guna menumbuhkan pemahaman dan kesadaran akan tugas, fungsi serta hak dan kewajiban serta meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mewujudkan tertib : usaha jasa konstruksi, penyelenggaraan pekerjaan konstruksi dan tertib pemanfaatan hasil pekerjaan konstruksi; 3.

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