
The aim of this study is to identify certain parapharyngeal space tumours with specific characteristics that can be treated successfully through an endoscopically assisted transoral approach (EATA). Nine patients with PPS tumours underwent surgery through an EATA between 2003 and 2021. All patients underwent clinical examination and fibrolaryngoscopy. Preoperative CT and/or MRI was performed on all patients. All the patients were successfully treated through an endoscopically assisted transoral approach. Histological examination revealed five pleomorphic adenomas, two schwannomas, one ectopic thyroid gland and one lipoma. The only long-term sequelae observed was Horner syndrome in the two schwannomas arising from the carotid space. The mean hospitalisation time was 2.6 days, while the mean follow-up time was of 9.7 years. An endoscopically assisted transoral approach (EATA) is a valid technique for treating benign capsulated tumours of the true PPS and some benign capsulated tumours of the superomedial aspect of the carotid space.

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