
1 Ball, H. W., Calibration of the 100-inch Hypervelocity Tunnel F, AEDC-TDR-63-46 (AD298279), March 1963, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. 2 Griffith, B. J. and Weddington, E. D., Recent Refinements and Advancements of Hypersonic Testing Techniques in the 100inch Tunnel F of the von Kdrmdii Gas Dynamics Facility, Proceedings of the Fourth Hypervelocity Techniques Symposium, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn., Nov. 15-16, 1965. 3 Osgerby, I. T. and Smithson, H. K., of AEDCVKF 100-inch Hotshot Tunnel F with Air as a Test Gas and Application to SCRAM jet Testing, AEDC-TR-67-242 (AD664906), Dec. 1967, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn.; also presented at the Fifth Hypervelocity Techniques Symposium, Univ. of Denver, Colo., March 1967. 4 Ball, H. W., Initial Operation of the Pilot Counterflow Test Unit (I), AEDC-TR-65-132 (AD465893), July 1965, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. 5 Haun, J. H. and Ball, H. W., Calibration of the Shock Tunnel Component of Counterflow Range (I) at Mach 7.5, AEDC-TR-66-64 (AD632816), May 1966, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. 6 Hilsenrath, J. and Klein, M., Tables of Properties of Air in Chemical Equilibrium Including Second Virial Corrections from 1500°K to 15,000°K, AEDC-TR-65-68 (AD612301), March 1965, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. 7 Grabau, M. and Brahinsky, H. S., Thermodynamic Properties of Air from 300 to 6000°K and from 1 to 1000 Amagats, AEDC-TR-66-247 (AD646172), Jan. 1967, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. 8 Lewis, C. H. and Burgess, E. G., Ill, Charts of Normal Shock Wave Properties in Imperfect Air, AEDC-TDR-64-43 (AD433958), March 1964, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. 9 Pergament, H. S., A Theoretical Analysis of Non-Equilibrium Hydrogen-Air Reactions in Flow Systems, AIAA, Paper 63-113, White Oak, Md., 1963. Whitfield, J. D. and Norfleet, G. D., Source Flow Effects in Conical Hypervelocity Nozzles, AEDC-TDR-62-116 (AD276124), June 1962, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn. 11 Arthur, P. D. et al., Flat Plate Turbulent Heat Transfer at Hyper velocities, Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 3, No. 10, Oct. 1966, pp. 1549-1551. 12 Osgerby, I. T., Smithson, H. K., and Wagner, D. A., Development of a Double-Oblique-Shock SCRAM jet Model in a Shock Tunnel, AEDC-TR-69-59, Aug. 1969, Arnold Engineering Center, Arnold Air Force Station, Tenn.

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