
The previous chapter has already drawn attention to the importance of aesthetic choices to the success and failure of imports. It highlighted that the opulent sets and high fashion of US soap opera and similar aesthetic choices in later ‘high end drama’ (Nelson 2007a) meant that UK distributors and viewers could draw on a tradition of pleasures associated with US drama that fitted well into stereotyped assumptions about US riches. In comparison, UK Northern Realism with its emphasis on working-class life and politics represented a style that emphasizes the social reality of the working classes, proved too different for US distributors even if US audiences clearly found pleasures in these dramas.KeywordsTelevision DramaStar TrekBritish Broadcasting CorporationPublic Broadcasting ServiceHenry VIIIThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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