
maxillary sinus, through the maxillary sinus ostium with extension into the choana. They represent approximately 4–6% of all nasal polyps in the general population. Antrochoanal polyps are almost always unilateral, although there are few cases of bilateral ACPs in the literature. Objective: To assess the effectiveness of endoscopic transnasal prelacrimal recess approach (ETPRA) in preventing the recurrence of antrochoanal polyps and evaluate the outcomes and possible complications of prelacrimal recess approach for treatment of antrochoanal polyps. Patient and Methods: forty patients with antrochoanal polyp underwent surgery with a transnasal endoscopic prelacrimal recess approach. The approach was evaluated for the ability to visualise the origin of the polyp in the maxillary cavity, complications and recurrence of the polyp. Results: Transnasal prelacrimal recess approach was successful in 80% of the patients (32/40), 80% of patients (32/40) did not encounter epiphora postoperatively, 85% of them (34/40) had no epistaxis, 90% of them (36/40) had no cheek edema. None of them had nasal obstruction, nasal stenosis or adhesions, All of them had the flap healed, and all of them had the inferior turbinate preserved. During the follow-up period (1 year) no recurrence had developed. Conclusion: Prelacrimal recess approach is a safe procedure which allows for complete removal of the antral part of the antrochoanal polyps to prevent recurrence without major complications.

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