
An L-basis associated to a linear second-order ordinary differential operator L is an infinite sequence of functions {φk}k=0∞ such that Lφk=0 for k=0,1, Lφk=k(k−1)φk−2, for k=2,3,… and all φk satisfy certain prescribed initial conditions. We study the transmutation operators related to L in terms of the transformation of powers of the independent variable {(x−x0)k}k=0∞ to the elements of the L-basis and establish a precise form of the transmutation operator realizing this transformation. We use this transmutation operator to establish a completeness of an infinite system of solutions of the stationary Schrödinger equation from a certain class. The system of solutions is obtained as an application of the theory of bicomplex pseudoanalytic functions and its completeness was a long sought result. Its use for constructing reproducing kernels and solving boundary and eigenvalue problems has been considered even without the required completeness justification. The obtained result on the completeness opens the way for further development and application of the tools of pseudoanalytic function theory.

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