
The performance of the fusion–fission hybrid system based on the molten salt (flibe) blanket, driven by a plasma based fusion device, was analyzed by comparing transmutation scenarios of actinides extracted from the LWR (Sweden) and RBMK (Lithuania) spent nuclear fuel in the scope of the EURATOM project BRILLIANT. The IAEA nuclear fuel cycle simulation system (NFCSS) has been applied for the estimation of the approximate amount of heavy metals of the spent nuclear fuel in Sweden reactors and the SCALE 6 code package has been used for the determination of the RBMK-1500 spent nuclear fuel composition. The total amount of trans-uranium elements has been estimated in both countries by 2015. Major parameters of the hybrid system performance (e.g., kscr, keff, Φn(E), equilibrium conditions, etc.) have been investigated for LWR and RBMK trans-uranium transmutation cases. Detailed burn-up calculations with continuous feeding to replenish the incinerated trans-uranium material and partial treatment of fission products were done using the Monteburns (MCNP + ORIGEN) code system. About 1.1 tons of spent fuel trans-uranium elements could be burned annually with an output of the 3 GWth fission power, but the equilibrium stage is reached differently depending on the initial trans-uranium composition. The radiotoxicity of the remaining LWR and RBMK transmuted waste after the hybrid system operation time has been estimated.

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