
The author investigates the performance of transmitter space shift keying (TSSK) with maximum-ratio combining (MRC) and receiver spatial modulation (RSM) with maximum-ratio transmission (MRT) in an unbalanced number of antennas at the transmitter and receiver. The author shows that RSM-MRT exhibits a superior performance under the same data rate, transmit power, and bandwidth in downlink cellular network systems where the number of transmit antennas at the base station is much larger than the number of receiver antennas at the mobile station. The author identifies a figure of metric as fading parameters and finds their probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF). The performance gap between TSSK-MRC and RSM-MRT expands as the number of antennas increases while maintaining the same ratio of the number of antennas at the transmitter and receiver for a chosen modulation.

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